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Plant Sale

Plant Sale

What you must know about the plant sale

Prices 2024

£17.00 per meter

Reservations will only be noted after receipt of the fee due.



Registrations for the plant sale contact: 

UK Ian Woolnough
Twickers, Eau Brink Road, Tilney Alm Saints, King's Lynn, Norfolk, England PE24 4SQ, UK 
Tel. +44 (0)1553 617132
e-mail: ianneilwoulnough AT gmail.com
Others Cor Verhoef
506, Chemin du Bois Bogat, F 69640 Ville sur Jarnioux, France
Tel +33 (0)4 74038165
e-mail: cor.verhoef640 AT orange.fr
IBAN: FR76 1009 6180 9100 0205 4550 994


Opening hours


13 Sept 2024 14:30 - 18:00
14 Sept 2024 9:00 - 18:00
15 Sept 2024 9:00 - 11:00

Stand holders:

13 Sept 2024 10:30 - 14:30
14 Sept 2024 7:00 - 9:00


Setting up stands

During the setting up of the stands only stand holders have access to the hall and marquee. Follow the instructions from the stewards to get in line for the hall or marquee to unload your plants or material. To avoid congestion, please park your car in the parking area immediatly after unloading. Stand holders with a small stand can save time by putting their car immediatly in the parking and bringing their plants from there to their stand.

Avoid trafic jams and arrive on time!


Participants 2024

The plans showing the location of the sellers will be published in early August.

Large room

Belgium De Coninck - Vandewal, Devisch, Geuens, Gillard, Houbrechts, Huygaerts, Lampo, Provoost, Roelants, Schroyens, Van Looy, Vandecaveye, Vandessel, Vanhaerens, Vergeylen, Verstraete
Denmark Larsen, Rønkel
France Boon (Cactées des Combes), Christophe (Plantemania), Desertica, Exotik Tregor, Printack, Wytlib
Germany Kakteengarten Röttingen, Nowack, Seeger, Uhlig Kakteen
Hungary Szabados
Italy Orlando
Japan Osada
Netherlands Schoonderwoerd, Shirley, Storsbergen, Ubink, van Zuijlen
South Africa Lifestyle Seeds
Spain Cactus Agroideas
Thailand One Plant Nursery
Societies Succulenta

Download the plan of the tables for the hall 2024 (PDF).


Belgium Baert, De Backer, De Leeuw, Hoes, Hoffmann, Houthoofd, Samyn, Swings, Van den Abbeele, Vandorpe, Van Rillaer, Vanthournout, Vermeulen, Vleminck
Bulgarien Elis
Czech Republic Balaz, Bartos, Brno, Česal, Duben, Hadamovsky, Hertus, Hojny, Jilemicky, Kulhanek, Kunte, Malir, Maule, Pavelka, Prokeš, Šnicer, Svoboda, Vesely, Vlk
France Abidal, Brendel, Weber 
Germany Beck, Beyenbach, Brand, Hübener, IC-Naturreisen, Ingenwepelt, Janssen, Kleine, Lühr, Mbuyu Succulents, Neumann, Pley, Reis, Sarnes, Schädlich, Schilling, Schneider, Sperling, Wittek
Israel Cupic (Succuland)
Italy Cattabriga (Mondocactus), Colombo, Giromagi, Il Pungivendolo, P.I.S. (Produttori Italiana Succulente), Pizzolato
Netherlands Alsemgeest, Biesheuvel (Lakerveld), Bosma, Exotic-Cactus, Geeling, Gurevskaia, Keizer, Mayer, Melissen, van Berkel, van Eck, van Veldhuisen, Wouterson
Slovenia Rovsek
Spain Cactusloft, Cactus Serrano, Duch, Lozada, Torralba
United Kingdom The Majestic Roots, Thomson
Societies DKG, FGaS, International Euphorbia Society

Download the plan of the tables for the tent 2024 (PDF).

Sales Regulations


  • Reservations for the plant sale are only confirmed after payment of the fee due.
  • By subscribing to the plant sale, the stand holder commits himself to comply with the present regulations.
  • Name badges are provided by the ELK-committee. Each stand holder must wear his/her personal name badge so that visitors can clearly see the name of the stand holder and from whom they can buy plants.
  • Stand holders are requested not to pass their badge to someone else.


  • Each stand holder must respect the CITES regulations concerning the trade in endangered wild plants. See www.cites.org and The European Union and Trade in Wild Fauna and Flora.
  • Since 21/11/1997 Mexico has only exceptionally issued export permits for just very few taxa, and in the last years not at all. This concerns both plants and seeds. Hence, most Mexican cacti described after 1997 available in Europe have to be considered as illegal. Also the offspring of these plants, raised from seed or grown vegetative, are illegal and must not be sold. To these plants belong species like Aztekium valdezii, Escobaria abdita, Mammillaria bertholdii, Mammillaria breviplumosa, Strombocactus corregidorae, Turbinicarpus graminispinus and Turbinicarpus heliae. These are only some of the most wanted species and the list does not exclude other taxa.
  • Mexican cacti described after 21/11/1997 may only be sold if the seller can present the necessary documents showing that they descend from plants that were legally imported in Europe.
  • The ELK Committee cannot be held responsible in case of infringement but reserves the right to rermove offenders from the plant sale and not to admit them again in the future.

Setting up your stand

  • Setting up of the stands in the large room and in the marquee is allowed on Friday from 10:30 am on. The barriers will not be opened before this time.
  • During the setting up of the stands, i.e. before the opening of the plant sale at 14:30 pm on Friday, sellers are requested to sell plants only to colleague stand holders.
  • Stand holders are also urged to open their stand on Sunday morning. The Committee publicises that the plant sale runs until Sunday 11:00 am. Publicity is made through posters and flyers distributed in Europe at cactus and succulent nurseries, cactus gardens and various events. Publicity is also made through the Internet at www.elkcactus.eu, facebook, cactus and succulent journals and societies. Articles are published in the regional press.
  • Selling of plants is restricted to the large room and marquee. The management of “Duinse Polders” does not allow commercial activities in other areas of the domain.
  • Stand holders must restrict the display of plants and other goods to the area on or below the stand given to them. All other expansions, such as the construction of an extra stage, are not allowed.
  • Prices must clearly and unmistakably be shown in Euros.
  • The organisation will provide a nameplate for each stand. Beside the name badge this is an additional identification of the stand holder.
  • It is strictly forbidden to attach messages or posters to the walls in the hall or to the canvas in the marquee. In case of violation, the cost of cleaning or repair will be charged to the stand holder.
  • It is not allowed to leave vehicles around the buildings. After unloading or loading the vehicles must immediately be parked in the parking area. Your colleague stand holders and the Committee count on your co-operation. Vehicles that are in breach can be towed away.
  • Campers are not allowed in the parking places of “Duinse Polders”. There is a camping site nearby.

Opening hours

  • The plant sale is open to the public on Friday from 14:30 pm – 18:00 pm, on Saturday from 09:00 am – 18:00 pm and on Sunday from 09:00 am till 11:00 am.
  • During the setting up of the stands, i.e. before the opening of the plant sale at 14:30 pm on Friday, sellers are requested to sell plants only to colleague stand holders.
  • After closing time nobody except the surveillance service appointed by the Committee, has access to the sales areas.

The committee

We thank you for respecting these rules and wish you all success at this annual European cactus event.

The ELK Committee