Where to stay
Where to stay?
You can contact us to book a stay at the holiday centre Corsendonk Duinse Polders or you can organize your own stay. Nearby there is the campsite Dallas.
In Blankenberge and in nearby Bruges there are many opportunities to stay overnight.
By police ordnance no caravans or camping cars can stay overnight in the parking area.
Staying in Corsendonk Duinse Polders
Corsendonk Duinse Polders
Tarifs 2025
Period | Price/person - Provisional! |
Thursday night - sunday noon (3 nights) |
£310.00 |
Friday night - sunday noon (2 nights) |
£213.000 |
supplement single room | £30.00/night |
supplement if only 1 overnight stay | £22.00 |
Children below 11 years: ask for rates.
In the event of cancellation, the costs charged by Corsendonk Duinse Polders will be applied.
For reservations please contact:
UK | Ian Woolnough Twickers, Eau Brink Road, Tilney Alm Saints, King's Lynn, Norfolk, England PE24 4SQ, UK Tel. +44 (0)1553 617132 e-mail: ianneilwoulnough AT gmail.com |
Others | Cor Verhoef 506, Chemin du Bois Bogat, F 69640 Ville sur Jarnioux, France Tel +33 (0)4 74038165 e-mail: cor.verhoef640 AT orange.fr IBAN: FR76 1009 6180 9100 0205 4550 994 BIC: CMCIFRPP |